Christian Brandl - Nice Prospects
These are figures without contact to the world outside, waiting for anything, hiding behind fences and hedges; they might be rejects leaving the privacy of their retreats and daring to make contact with other people. They meet, hold their position, hide their cards. They meet, yet they do not get together. [...]In those areas where Brandl's pictures are filled with protagonists, spatial aspects los their importance. At times only a door frame or a bit of curtain hint at the setting. Ornaments are excluded. The composition is strict and occasionally harsh. There is no foreshortening. Spatial depth is created by overlapping figures, via the scaling of elements that are usually ordered parallel to the picture plan and via the lighting of the scenery. The contrasting use of light and shadow underlines the clear structure of the different layers in the picture. Brandl's paintings are the results of slow production processes.
from Friedrich, Georg. "Suspicion." Ed. Galerie Kleindienst. Christian Brandl. Leipzig: Thomasdruck Leipzig, 2006.